Buat Grab Boleh Untung Ke? Ada Masa Depan Ke? Ataupun Mari Kita Boikot Dan Gantung Kunci (Update August 2018)


Soalan yang sama ditanya seribu kali, Grab boleh untung ke? Boycott la! Gantung Kunci la! Siapa nak percaya ya.

Ok secara ringkasnya,
Untuk Driver Baru, JANGAN BACA NEGATIVITY DI DLM FACEBOOK. Setiap kerja pun ada issue kan. Cakap mana satu company u kerja tak perlu ditembak boss pagi pagi atas pelbagai sebab

Untuk Beginner, kalau nak untung, ON AUTO ACCEPT FEATURE dan jadi driver DBKL (Kereta Sampah style), bukan kutip sampah tapi ambil semua trips! 100% acceptance. Pastikan anda online sepenuh masa and ikut jadual , complete semua jam HP ke atas.  Belajar main area sekitar anda. Kenapa nak jadi DBKL driver? Lebih senang sebab anda hanya perlu focus pandu sahaja lagipun kalau anda on Auto Accept dapat insentif dari Grab.

Jangan bagi alasan lagi. buat part time je, free time je. hanya ini hanya itu. Nak PILIH TRIP lah.. OK Flexi (Non-Auto Accept) HANYA UNTUK ADVANCED DRIVER, bukan masa flexible. Untuk jadi Driver FLEXI expert, minimum kena ada  3 bulan experience drive Auto Accept. Sebab mereka telah master semua area, mereka tahu job/ping yang seterusnya datang dari area mana. Bukan seperti pemandu lain ajak accept semua trip RM10 ke atas, nanti kena timeout lock sebab ignore terlalu banyak, last sekali rugi masa dan rugi petrol di dalam kereta.  Sbg FLEXI driver, you tgk job screen you tahu TOTAL DISTANCE of the job.

Contoh kita akan pilih 2.4km trip RM5 dan bukan 9.9km trip RM10.
Oleh itu, janganlah mengeluh cakap Grab Driver tak boleh untung. Mungkin kerja Grab ini tak sesuai untuk anda. Kenapa ada orang jual burger business bagus, ada pula tidak. FIKIRLAH.

LAST SEKALI, patutkan saya jadi full time Grab driver. Walaupun saya recruit driver tapi tidak sesekali saya cadang u jadi full time driver. HANYA JIKA anda terdesak dan tidak ada jalan lain lagi. Kalau ada full time job yang bagus, boss yang awesome. STICK TO YOUR FULL TIME JOB AND DRIVE GRAB AS PART TIME.
Hari tu, saya kena kecam orang cakap saya tipu orang drive GRAB Driver, pastu saya ternampak pula dia apply job untuk jadi security guard. Patutkah saya kecam dia?

Kalau lain kali nak rekomen member join Grab Driver, bolehlah roger admin melalui whatsapp 60163168357. Kita boleh aktifkan akaun tanpa perlu pergi HQ atau kiosk. Referral akan dibayar seperti biasa dgn syarat bagi screenshot driver profile

Terima Kasih

For beginner drivers, don't read those negativity in Facebook. Every jobs also have issue. Tell me you work office no need let your boss shoot for no reason? 

For a start, if you really want to earn.Enable Auto Accept (AA) feature, Be a DBKL(Bandaraya mode) driver, Accept all trips, maximize your online hours. It's easier because you only focus on driving and moreover you will be entitled for Grab Incentive.

Don't give excuses i.e I only want do part time ,I only this only that. Flexi is for advanced drivers, not "flexible" if you want to earn. You have to know what job to accept and the consequences. These drivers have a minimum 3 months experience in driving Auto Accept. They know where the next ping come next, and where the next ping want to go or like to go. They are the master of time and areas. Not as simple as "Ambil je RM10 ke atas" kinda non-sense. They follow by pickup distance, earning per km. I would take 1.2km for RM5, than 9.1km for RM10. Moreover, if you don't know how to choose your jobs, you ended up have your screen locked due to ignore too many jobs, end up you wasted your time and petrol.

Don't say Grab Driver tak boleh untung dah. Maybe it's just not for you doesn't mean for others. Why some people sell burger can earn money, why some couldn't. 

However I wouldn't suggest you to do full time too if you already have a comfortable or stable full time job. Know your leverage point. 

Actually I have done some survey as well for those bash Grab Driver non stop say kencing la this la that la. They can't even do well in life, one side bashes Grab Driver, on the other side looking for Security Guard job. Should I humiliate or disparage him?

Thank you.

Shall you have any friends interested to join Grab Driver. Feel free to whatsapp me at 60163168357. I will activate your friends' accounts without having to go HQ or kiosk. Referral will be paid as usual with the terms you send me a screenshot of your driver profile.

Thank you.
Contoh Weekly History Driver yang tidak putus asa.

Kesimpulannya, Grab Driver adalah satu platform yang paling baik dan cepat untuk jana pendapatan dalam masa yang singkat. Cubalah cari alternatif yang ada, admin minat juga. Tapi buat sementara waktu ini, tiada kerja part time boleh bagi RM20-40 sejam. 

Masih minat nak ambil cabaran dan daftar Grab Driver?
Click dan Whatsapp terus ke 60163168357

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Aplikasi Pendaftaran KL Selangor Driver Registration (Android): 

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